D Type Hydro Pulper operates at low consistency is ideally suited for brown grade applications. The most integrated and modular concept for coarse contaminant removal at low and medium consistency with the Hydra Purge, Junk Trap, Drum Screen and D Type Slusher Vat. The D Type Pulper is equipped with D Tub and Rotor. The Pulper can be operated continuously or batch wise. The Pulper Rotor includes pumping vanes and deflaking vanes in order to create strong circulation of the stock and powerful disintegration effect (defibrication) while rotating. For secondary fibre applications the Pulper is operated continuously. The D-Type Pulper is specially designed to reduce horizontal flow of the stock and reinforce vertical revolution flow hence more throughput. The D Pulper provides more than 20% improvement in capacity comparing to the conventional Pulpers with same horse power and consistency.